[1]张 箭 孙静静.西红柿的世界发展传播史研究[J].中国农史,2023,42(06):35-48.
 ZHANG Jian SUN Jingjing.Study on the History of the Popularity and Spread of Tomatoes in the World[J].AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF CHINA,2023,42(06):35-48.





Study on the History of the Popularity and Spread of Tomatoes in the World
张 箭 孙静静
(四川大学 历史文化学院,四川 成都 610065)
ZHANG Jian SUN Jingjing
(School of History and Culture, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065)
the Italians developed new methods of processing storage and consumption i.e. ketchup (17th century) and dried tomato cake (18th century). Tomatoes spread throughout Europe at the end of the 16th century. Tomatoes were moved to Russia in the late 18th century. Tomatoes were moved to Africa in the late 17th century. Tomatoes were moved to Japan in the second half of the 17th century. It was passed into China during the Wanli years (from late 16th to early 17th century). At the end of the 18th century new varieties of European-style cultivated tomatoes were returned to the Americas and spread into United States with European immigrants. Today tomatoes have become one of the most popular important vegetables and fruits in the world enriching the human diet and life.
西红柿的驯化和人工栽培起源于中美洲,至今已有2500多年的栽培史。玛雅人是最早学会种植西红柿的印第安人族群。在欧洲人到来前,西红柿的栽培和食用已在中美洲和墨西哥普及。16世纪初科尔特斯(Hernán Cortés)等殖民者在征服墨西哥的过程中发现了西红柿,它从此开始在新大陆传播并跨过大西洋慢慢传入欧洲。最早讨论西红柿的欧洲文献是意大利医生和植物学家马提奥里(P. A. Matthioli)于1544年在威尼斯出版的小册子《药物志》。16世纪40—50年代欧洲出现了最早的关于西红柿的画作。西红柿传入欧洲后最初作为研究观赏药材作物在庭院栽培,人们一度认为它有壮阳作用,称之为“爱欲苹果”。有人甚至认为它有毒。16世纪下半叶以来西红柿渐渐进入西欧的农田并被食用。意大利人在实践中开发出新的加工储存和食用方法,即制成番茄酱(17世纪)和干西红柿饼(18世纪)。16世纪末西红柿传遍欧洲各国。18世纪后期西红柿传入俄国。17世纪后期西红柿传入非洲。17世纪下半叶西红柿传入日本。万历年间(16世纪末—17世纪初)传入中国。18世纪末欧式栽培的新品种西红柿又随同欧洲移民传回美洲传入美国。今日,西红柿已成为世界人民普遍喜爱的重要蔬菜水果之一,丰富了人类的饮食生活。
The domestication and cultivation of tomatoes originated in Central America and has a history of more than 2500 years. The Mayans were the first Indians to learn to grow tomatoes. Tomato cultivation and consumption had become widespread in Central America and Mexico before the arrival of the Europeans. In the early 16th century, the colonists Cortez and his companions discovered tomatoes during the conquest of Mexico, and since then it has continued to spread across the New World and slowly spread across the Atlantic to Europe. The first European literature to discuss tomatoes was that of Italian doctor and botanist P. A. Matthioli’s pamphlet, "Pharmaceuticals", published in Venice in 1544. The earliest paintings of tomatoes appeared in Europe in the 1540s and 1550s. Tomatoes were first cultivated in the courtyard as a research, ornamental and medicinal crop after they were moved to Europe, and were once thought to have a aphrodisiac effect, known as the "loving apple". Someone even think them are poisonous. Since the second half of the 16th century, tomatoes have gradually entered western European farmland and food. In practice, the Italians developed new methods of processing storage and consumption, i.e. ketchup (17th century) and dried tomato cake (18th century). Tomatoes spread throughout Europe at the end of the 16th century. Tomatoes were moved to Russia in the late 18th century. Tomatoes were moved to Africa in the late 17th century. Tomatoes were moved to Japan in the second half of the 17th century. It was passed into China during the Wanli years (from late 16th to early 17th century). At the end of the 18th century, new varieties of European-style cultivated tomatoes were returned to the Americas and spread into United States with European immigrants. Today, tomatoes have become one of the most popular important vegetables and fruits in the world, enriching the human diet and life.
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-01-21