[1]苏泽龙 李凯旋.机器与棉花:近代棉业改进与乡村社会变迁研究——以工商业影响下的农业经济为视角[J].中国农史,2025,(01):132-144.
SU Zelong LI Kaixuan.Machines and Cotton: A Study on the Improvements of Modern Cotton Industry and Rural Social Changes:From the Perspective of Agricultural Economy Influenced by Industry and Commerce[J].AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF CHINA,2025,(01):132-144.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Machines and Cotton: A Study on the Improvements of Modern Cotton Industry and Rural Social Changes:From the Perspective of Agricultural Economy Influenced by Industry and Commerce
- 作者:
苏泽龙 李凯旋
(山西大学 历史文化学院,山西 太原 030006)
- Author(s):
SU Zelong LI Kaixuan
(School of History and Culture, Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006)
- 关键词:
棉业改进; 机器纺织; 近代乡村社会
- Keywords:
improvements of cotton industry; machine textile industry; modern rural society
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Since the introduction of cotton cultivation in the Song Dynasty, the cotton industry has always occupied an important position in traditional agriculture. After the opening of trade with the West following the Opium Wars, the dumping of foreign cotton impacted the status of domestic cotton, while the rapid development of machine textile industry further exposed the issues of low quantity and poor quality of domestic cotton, the improvements of the cotton industry has been put on the agenda.To enhance the yield and quality of domestic cotton, improvements were made in cotton farming from multiple levels, including the government and society. Influenced by these improvement efforts in the cotton industry, significant changes occurred in the trade mode and circulation scope of cotton, and the development process of rural handicraft textile industry significantly accelerated, bringing profound changes to the production and life of villagers. Thus, the improvement of the cotton industry became an important aspect of rural social change in modern China influenced by industrial development.The study of the improvements in moderen cotton industry, which can provide a new perspective on the study of modern rural social change.
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