[1]范铁权 黄 敏.从“养生”到“卫生”:近代中国对素食的倡导及实践(1910—1937)[J].中国农史,2025,(01):3-14.
FAN Tiequan HUANG Min.From Health Preservation to Hygiene: the Advocacy and Practice of Vegetarian Diet in Modern China(1910—1937)[J].AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF CHINA,2025,(01):3-14.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
From Health Preservation to Hygiene: the Advocacy and Practice of Vegetarian Diet in Modern China(1910—1937)
- 作者:
范铁权1 黄 敏2
(1.河北大学 历史学院,河北 保定 071002; 2.中国彩灯博物馆,四川 自贡 643000)
- Author(s):
FAN Tiequan1 HUANG Min2
(1. History Institute, Hebei University, Baoding 071002; 2. Colorful Lantern Museum of China, Zigong 643000)
- 关键词:
素食; 实践; 卫生; 地域
- Keywords:
vegetarian; practice; hygiene; region
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In ancient Chinese literature, vegetarian behavior was endowed with the connotation of abstaining from killing, health preservation and moral virtue. In modern times, under the background of the western vegetarian movement and the spread of health and nutrition knowledge to the east, the intellectual elite advocated vegetarian diet, and reached a climax in the Republic of China, there were many civil organizations advocating vegetarian diet, and health vegetarian restaurants, seasonal vegetarian food and vegetarian products were also favored by the people of the time. The active advocacy and practice of vegetarian diet by the intellectual elites and newspapers and media promoted the change of people’s dietary concepts. Vegetarianism prevailed in Shanghai and other metropolises, showing an imbalance between classes and regions, and denying meat to advocate vegetarianism unexpectedly weakened its influence to a certain extent.
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