[1]马 刚 王宝卿.葵菜的起源发展变迁及其影响研究[J].中国农史,2016,35(01):18-28.
MA Gang WANG Bao-qing.The Vicissitudes of Cluster Mallow Cultivation in China[J].SAMSON,2016,35(01):18-28.
- 卷:
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- Title:
The Vicissitudes of Cluster Mallow Cultivation in China
- 作者:
马 刚 王宝卿
青岛农业大学 齐民书院,山东 青岛266109
- Author(s):
MA Gang WANG Bao-qing
Qimin Academy of Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109
- 关键词:
葵; 冬葵; 冬寒菜; 栽培史
- Keywords:
Kui; Malva Verticillata L.; Cluster Mallow; cultivation history
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
葵菜(Malva verticillata Linnaeus),现代中国蔬菜学领域一般称其为“冬寒菜”,医药学上常称为“冬葵”,国际植物名称索引(IPNI)称为“冬葵”,其相近变种还有“野葵”和“中华野葵”,是广泛分布于亚欧大陆的原生植物,在中国有悠久的栽培历史并曾长期当作主要蔬菜之一。因为我国北方旱作地区由于饮食结构和经济效益等原因,明清以后不再把它作为主要蔬菜进行人工栽培,加之葵菜在各地区的俗称繁多,尽管南方部分地区一直有人工栽培,但人们对古文献中常常提到的“葵”菜渐感生疏,甚至产生种种误解。葵菜作为中国先民的“百菜之主”,具有较高的食用营养价值和药用价值。
- Abstract:
Cluster mallow(Malva verticillata Linnaeus), an annual or biennial herb, usually called Donghancai in southern China, but named DongKui by Chinese physicians traditionally and the International Plant Names Index as well, is a native plant widely growing in Eurasia and enjoys a more than 2000 years of cultivation history in China. It has been recognized as one of the excellent vegetables during the Zhou dynasty and valued high for both nutrition and agriculture economy reasons before the 7th century. However, the once popular vegetable gradually went into obscurity in northern China and many people even got misconceptions about it, since probably around the 10th century it remained in cultivation only in some southern areas and the local peoples usually only use its alias in daily life. This article attempts to comb through the cultivation history of Malva verticillata and learn about the possible reasons for the vicissitudes of cluster mallow cultivation in China. All in all, cluster mallow, often referred to as“the precious of vegetables” in ancient China, is the kind of vegetable that deserves attention for its nutritional and pharmacological values due to its easy cultivation and growth adaptability.
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