WEI Ben-quan.Revolution and Folklore: Drought Resisting and Rain Praying in the Middle and South Region of Shandong in 1949[J].SAMSON,2017,36(05):91-99.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Revolution and Folklore: Drought Resisting and Rain Praying in the Middle and South Region of Shandong in 1949
- 作者:
(临沂大学 历史文化学院暨沂蒙文化研究院, 山东 临沂 276005)
- Author(s):
WEI Ben-quan
(School of History and Culture & Institute of Yimeng Culture Studies, Lin Yi University, Linyi 276005)
- 关键词:
鲁中南区; 祈雨; 抗旱运动; 生产必须领导; 党群关系
- Keywords:
drought resisting movement; rain praying; the middle and south region of Shandong; relations between CCP and masses; production-must-be-lead
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
An unexpected mass incidents--rain praying appeared generally when disaster relief by production and drought relief movement developed in the middle and south region of Shandong in the summer of 1949. Then rain praying and drought relief movement constituted double drama rapidly in a short period of time. If placed rain praying under the complex natural and social ecological environments when the revolution just won, we could find that many acute problems and the complex relationship between man and nature, contradictions between the people and the enemy, the relationship between the party and the masses, instructions from the higher level and lower level implementation. It was helpful to understand the complex political ecology and social psychology of the middle and south region of Shandong on the eve of revolution victory. It is provided a new perspective to understand the middle and south of Shandong regional society of Shandong. In response to rain praying events, new ideas such as “to conquer the natural disaster by relying on the Communist Party” and “production-must-be-lead” strengthened and set down further. The old ideas such as rain praying and dependent on the weather were replaced. Then the old customs and new fashions transformed successfully.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期] 2017-03-11?
[基金项目] 山东省社科规划研究项目“山东抗日根据地与解放区民众日常生活研究(1937-1949)”(16BLSJ03)。临沂大学哲学社会科学发展项目“山东抗日根据地乡村革命与日常生活研究”(15LUZS02)?
[作者简介] 魏本权(1976- ),历史学博士,临沂大学历史文化学院暨沂蒙文化研究院教授,主要从事中共党史、乡村社会史研究。
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