[1]黎海明 朱良赛 梁伟豪 杜 平 陈渊明 贾 鑫.江苏淮北地区隋唐时期农业经济探究——以连云港孔望山墓地农业考古研究为例[J].中国农史,2022,41(06):50-62.
 LI Hai-ming ZHU Liang-sai LIANG Wei-hao DU Ping CHEN Yuan-ming JIA Xin.Agricultural Economy Investigation in Huaibei Area of Jiangsu Province during the Sui and Tang Dynasties: An Agricultural Archaeological Research from the Kongwangshan Cemetery in Lianyungang[J].AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF CHINA,2022,41(06):50-62.





Agricultural Economy Investigation in Huaibei Area of Jiangsu Province during the Sui and Tang Dynasties: An Agricultural Archaeological Research from the Kongwangshan Cemetery in Lianyungang
黎海明1 朱良赛2 梁伟豪3 杜 平2 陈渊明2 贾 鑫3
(1.南京农业大学 人文与社会发展学院/中华农业文明研究院/农业考古研究中心,江苏 南京 210095;2.连云港市文物保护和考古研究所,江苏 连云港 222003;3. 南京师范大学 地理科学学院/环境考古研究院,江苏 南京 210023)
LI Hai-ming1 ZHU Liang-sai2 LIANG Wei-hao3 DU Ping2 CHEN Yuan-ming2 JIA Xin3
(1. College of Humanities & Social Development / Institution of Chinese Agricultural Civilization / Agricultural Archaeology Research Center, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095; 2. Lianyungang Institute of Cultural Relics Protection and Archaeology, Lianyungang 222003; 3. School of Geography / Institute of Environmental Archaeology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023)
Huaibei area Sui and Tang Dynasties Kongwangshan Cemetery agricultural economy population
农业经济是古代社会的经济基础,对古代社会的发展演变起到至关重要的作用。隋唐时期(581—907 AD)是我国经济文化中心逐渐南移的关键时期,江苏淮北地区又地处南北方经济文化交流碰撞的关键地带,研究其农业经济发展状况及其背后的驱动因素可以透视隋唐社会的发展演化状况。本文基于连云港孔望山墓地的农业考古研究,结合历史文献资料和气候变化的研究成果,探究了江苏淮北地区隋唐时期的农业经济状况及其背后的驱动因素。结果显示,江苏淮北地区隋唐时期延续了自大汶口早期(6300—5600 BP)就形成的多品种农业种植体系,形成了“稻、粟、黍、小麦、大麦、大豆”六种作物共同种植的农业体系。值得注意的是,水稻、小麦和粟的种植在江苏淮北地区隋唐时期多品种农业种植体系中位居主要位置,而大麦、黍和大豆作物的种植仅位居次要位置。隋唐时期的气候变暖、均田制度的实施、田制与赋役制度的调整是促使江苏淮北地区农业经济繁荣发展并延续多品种农业种植体系的主要因素。而人口数量的增长以及作物产量本身的差异是江苏淮北地区隋唐时期先民选择以水稻、小麦和粟为主要作物进行种植的原因。本文为探究历史时期社会演变、形成与发展过程研究提供了重要帮助,为探讨历史时期南北文化交流和融合提供了重要依据。
Agricultural economy was the basis of the ancient society economy and played a vital role in the development of ancient society. The Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907 AD) was a critical period when China’s economic and cultural center gradually moved southward. The Huaibei area of Jiangsu Province located in a place where economic and cultural exchanges between the north and the south collided frequently. Studying its agricultural economic development and the driving factors behind it can reveal the development and evolution of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Based on the agricultural archaeological research of Kongwangshan Cemetery in Lianyungang, combined with historical documents and climate change research results, this paper explores the agricultural economic situation during the Sui and Tang Dynasties in Huaibei area of Jiangsu Province and the driving factors behind it. The results showed that the Sui and Tang dynasties in Huaibei region of Jiangsu Province continued the multi variety agricultural planting system formed in the early Dawenkou period (6300-5600 BP), and formed an agricultural system of "rice, foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, wheat, barley and soybean" six crops together planting. It is worth noting that the planting of rice, wheat and foxtail millet occupied a major position in the multi variety agricultural planting system during the Sui and Tang Dynasties in Huaibei area of Jiangsu, while the planting of barley, broomcorn millet and soybean crops only occupied a secondary position. The warming climate, the implementation of the equal farmland system, and the adjustment of the farmland system and the tax and labor system during the Sui and Tang Dynasties were the main factors that promoted the agricultural economic prosperity and continued the multi variety agricultural planting system in Huaibei area of Jiangsu Province. While the growth of population and the difference of crop yield are the reasons why people chose rice, wheat and foxtail millet as the main crops planting during the Sui and Tang Dynasties in Huaibei area of Jiangsu Province. This paper provides important help for the study of social evolution, formation and development process in the historical period, and provides an important basis for the discussion of cultural exchange and integration between the North and the South in the historical period.
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-01-13