[1]李 悦 陈 婷 刘 欢 豆海峰.从陕西旬邑枣林河滩遗址出土动物遗存看古豳地先周时期生业经济[J].中国农史,2019,38(04):33-42.
LI Yue CHEN Ting LIU Huan DOU Hai-feng.A Study of the Pre-Zhou Subsistence Economy in the Ancient Bin Area Using Faunal Remains from the Site of Zaolinhetan in Xunyi, Shaanxi Province[J].SAMSON,2019,38(04):33-42.
- 卷:
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- Title:
A Study of the Pre-Zhou Subsistence Economy in the Ancient Bin Area Using Faunal Remains from the Site of Zaolinhetan in Xunyi, Shaanxi Province
- 作者:
李 悦 陈 婷 刘 欢 豆海峰
(1. 西北大学 文化遗产学院,陕西 西安 710069;2. 西北大学 文化遗产研究与保护技术教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069)
- Author(s):
LI Yue CHEN Ting LIU Huan DOU Hai-feng
(1. School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069;2.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Studies and Conservation, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069)
- 关键词:
枣林河滩遗址; 先周时期; 生业经济; 动物考古学
- Keywords:
Zaolinhetan site; pre-Zhou period; subsistence economy; zooarchaeology
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
We used zooarchaeological methods to analyze animal remains dating to the pre-Zhou period unearthed from the site of Zaolinhetan in Xunyi, Shaanxi, with an emphasis on animal remains dated to the pre-Zhou period. The site is located in the core of the ancient Bin area. Domestic animals constituted a stable source of meat consumption at the site during the pre-Zhou period. The analysis of species, quantitative proportions, and age profiles of the animal assemblage suggests that cattle, pigs, sheep, and goat were raised mainly for meat resources. Sheep and goat ay have been exploited for milk to some extent as well. Zaolinhetan residents consumed meat for their own, showing a self-sufficient model, it is also likely that meat was supplied to other sites nearby. This reflected the nature of the site as a country-level settlement. We inferred that the economic pattern at Zaolinhetan was a combination of agriculture and stock grazing supplemented by wild animal fishing and hunting, which was in conformity with the natural landscape surrounding the site.
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