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Public Order Control in Huizhou during the Ming and Qing Dynasties:Based on the Perspective of the Organizations’ Establishment and Operation
陈 瑞
(安徽大学 徽学研究中心,安徽 合肥 230039)
(Center for Hui Studies, Anhui University, Hefei 230039)
Ming and Qing Dynasties Huizhou social security organization social governance
The previous studies on the local public order in Ming and Qing dynasties were mainly focused on the monitoring function of Baojia(保甲) system from a narrow perspective. This article tries to break through the single angle of view that only discusses the local public order around Baojia, Xunjiansi(巡检司),Weisuo(卫所), Luying(绿营),Township treaty(乡约),Tuanlian(团练), Xunjingju(巡警局) and other more social security control functions of organizations or institutions also included in the scope of discussion. Based on the perspective of the establishment and operation of organizations, this paper makes a study of the management and control of local public security in Huizhou during the Ming and Qing dynasties from a broad perspective. This paper holds that: in the different stages of the Ming and Qing dynasties, based on the changes in the local social security situation and the needs of social governance at the grass-roots level, the feudal government and the civil society set up a series of organizations or institutions with the functions of public security control, such as Xunjiansi, Weisuo, Luying, Baojia, Township treaty, Tuanlian, Xunjingju, etc. These organizations or institutions have played a positive role in controlling the local public order, stabilizing the local social order and contributing to the local social governance. In the course of their actual operation, these organizations or institutions sometimes cooperated with each other, borrowed and integrated resources on the basis of considerations of convenience, efficiency or cost of operation. The operation of the Xunjiansi sometimes borrowed the human resources of local organizations in Lijia(里甲) and Baojia system. The Township treaty and Baojia organizations often combined and infiltrated each other in the process of operation, and sometimes borrowed the resources of Lijia organization.The Tuanlian and Baojia organization sometimes complement each other. The operation of Township treaty, Baojia, Tuanlian and other organizations usually associated with clans, and can get their support and cooperation.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-09-19