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A Study on the Charitable Estate and its Regulations of Huizhou Clan in Song and Yuan Dynasties:Centered on Jin Clan in Xiadong of Xiuning
陈 瑞 陶梦吟
(安徽大学 徽学研究中心,安徽 合肥 230039)
CHEN Rui TAO Mengyin
(Center for Hui Studies, Anhui University, Hefei 230039)
Song and Yuan Dynasties Huizhou Clan’s Charitable Estate Regulations of Charitable Estate Jin Clan in Xiadong of Xiuning
In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin clan in Xiadong of Xiuning was famous for its imperial officials, and was a typical imperial official clan. After entering the Yuan Dynasty, with the disappearance of the policies and institutional dividends such as imperial examinations and patronage, it transformed into a common people clan rapidly. In order to coped with the objective situation of serious disparity between the rich and the poor and the increasing number of poor people, the officials and literati of the clan took the initiative to donate their salary to set up a clan charitable estate to support the poor and integrate the clans during the Southern Song Dynasty. In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the management of charitable estate of the clan implemented the top-down hierarchical management mode, included Tigang(提纲), Zhangshi(掌事)and Guannian(管年), in which the chief played the role of management consultant and decision-maker of major affairs. In order to manage and operate charitable estate effectively, the clan formulated the regulations and revised it many times. The charitable estate’s regulations was a specific manifestation and type of the rules of the clan. The formulation and continuous revision of the regulations was a prominent feature of the management of the clan. Through the research on the regulations of Jin’s charitable estate in Xiadong, it was helpful to glimpse the real state of the management and operation of the clan charitable estate in Huizhou and even Jiangnan area in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-03-13